Dr Anh Viet Le

Associate Dean (Operations)
2015: PhD, La Trobe University, Australia
Thesis: Vietnamese Domestic Tourism: An Investigation of In Situ Decision Making Behaviour
2004-2006: Master of Banking and Finance, Paris Dauphine University and ESCP- EAP, France
1997-2001: Bachelor of Finance, Academy of Finance, Vietnam
I am lecturer of Higher Degree Department. Before joining Holmes Institutes, I was previously a lecturer in Business Administration Department, Academic of Banking and Finance, Vietnam for 11 years. My research interest is in consumer behaviour, with a particular focus on tourist behaviour, festival, event and attraction management. I have published several publications in these areas.
Teaching areas
- Marketing, Event and Advertising
- Consumer Behaviour
- Tourism Management
- Human Resource Management
- Research Methods
Research areas
- Tourism Management
- Consumer Behaviour
- Tourism Research Information Network (TRINET)
Paper published
Le, A. V. (2017). Trump’s presidency: the future of American tourism industry. Journal of Tourism Futures, 3(1), 8-12.
Conference papers presented
Le, A. V. (2017). The effect of social marketing on using electricity effectively of Vietnamese citizens: Vietnam – National Energy Efficiency Program (VNEEP) as a Case study. 6th International Conference on Economic Business and Marketing Management (CEBMM2017), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, 2017.
Le, A. V., Nguyen, T. H., & Ho, M. H. (2017). Vietnamese consumer’s concern for face and their behaviour toward luxury brands. International Business, Economic, Finance and Management Conference (BREFM), Ha Noi, Vietnam, 2017.
Le, A. V., & Nguyen, T. H. (2017). Vietnamese domestic tourists: An investigation of in situ decision making behaviour. Global Tourism Conference (GTC), Kuala Terranganu, Malaysia, 2017.
Anh, L. V., Frew, E., & Lade, C. (2014). In situ decision making behaviour of domestic tourists: A conceptual framework. CAUTHE 2014: Tourism and Hospitality in the Contemporary World: Trends, Changes and Complexity. Brisbane: School of Tourism, The University of Queensland, 2014.
Book Chapters
Thanh, D.T.M., Tuan, N. Q., & Anh, L.V. (2016). Advertising Management. Vietnam, Finance Publishing House.
Hoai, D.T.T., Huong, D.K & Anh, L.V. (2011). Corporate Culture. Vietnam, Finance Publishing House.
Cach, N.M & Anh, L.V. (2010). Public Relation. Vietnam, Finance Publishing House.
Nong, D. C., Dien, N. X., Mai, V. T., Anh, L. V., Khanh, V.T.V., Loc, T. D., & Tuyet, D. T. (2010). Business Management. Vietnam, Finance Publishing House.