Professor David A Robinson

MBA Convenor (Australia); Academic Manager (Brisbane and Gold Coast)
Qualification abbreviations
PhD. MBA. MSc.
Professor David Robinson is Academic Head (Queensland) and MBA Director (Australia) at Holmes Institute. He was formerly Director of Post-Graduate Programs and Head of the Asia Graduate Centre at RMIT International University, based in Vietnam. Dave was integrally involved in the development and ongoing improvement of RMIT’s flagship Executive MBA as well as the MBA, MIB, PhD and other post-graduate programs. He was formerly Professor of International Business at Central Queensland University, Gold Coast, Australia, specializing in Global Strategy, Marketing and HRM. There he also coordinated the PhD program and was principal supervisor to five doctoral candidates. Prior to that, he was Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at Bond University, and Director of Research and Coordinator of the MBA in Entrepreneurship at the Brisbane Graduate School of Business of Queensland University of Technology, in Australia.
Dave has also been an Adjunct Professor at National Sun Yat-Sen University in Taiwan, Visiting Professor at Nelson Mandela University in South Africa and the ANTAI School of Management of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. He has been Principal Director of a consulting and training company, founder of the Academy of Business Acumen (Australia), advisor to 360 Health (Australia), academic advisor to The Life Coaching Academy (Australia), and has served on the board of the National Education and Employment Foundation (NEEF) as Deputy Chair, the Small Business Association of Australia and New Zealand (SEAANZ) as Queensland vice-president. His academic work has been published in academic journals, including the Journal of Business Ethics and he has served on editorial boards of academic journals. He was also the 2012 recipient of CQU’s Marten Joshi Award for International Research.
He has held senior management positions in industrial engineering, project management and human resource development and was a management consultant to the following industries: pharmaceuticals, mining, furniture, textiles, packaging, clothing, agriculture, automotive and printing.
Dave holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Management (PhD) from Rhodes University, South Africa (Business Ethics in Entrepreneurship), a Master of Science (MSc.) in Technology Management from Brunel University in London (Innovative Packaging in the Marketing of Pharmaceutical Products), and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from California, U.S.A. (thesis: Managerial Effectiveness in SMEs, coursework completed at Universities of Pretoria and Witwatersrand, South Africa), and his undergraduate majors were Marketing and Operations Management.
Teaching areas
- Strategy
- Marketing
- Leadership & Organisational Development
Research areas
- Leadership, Business Ethics, Sustainability
Dave has several decades international experience in management consulting
Australian Institute of Management
Publications (examples)
Robinson, D. A., Davidsson, P., van der Mescht, H. and Court, P. 2007. How entrepreneurs deal with ethical challenges – an application of the Business Ethics Synergy Star (BESS). Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 71, Issue 4: 411-423
Robinson, D. A. & Harvey, M. 2008. Global leadership in a culturally diverse world. Journal of Management Decision, vol 46, issue 3: 466-480. [ISSN 1751-1348]
Robinson, D. A. 2004. Entrepreneurial Challenges in South Africa. Journal of African Business, 5(2): 173-185
Robinson, D. A. 2008. Keeping pace with change in SMEs – Creating and maintaining congruence and consistency in trans-national entrepreneurial firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJEIM), Vol 8, No. 3. Special issue on ‘The Lines of Growing/Transporting Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies’: 272-285.
Robinson, D. A., Harvey, M. & Yupitun, M. 2008. Destructive Leadership in Family Business: Modeling social exchange between generations. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, vol 8, no. 2: 226 – 240.
Robinson, D. A. and Zhou, J. 2008. Are traditional ethical theories relevant in an entrepreneurial business world? International Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, vol 4, no. 1.
Robinson, D. A., van der Mescht, H. and Lancaster, J. 2003. Business ethics – beyond the code of practice. Meditari Accountancy Research, Volume 11: 113-128.
Robinson, D. A., Nhat-Hoang, D. & VanderPal, G. 2017. (in press) Leadership Flaws and Organizational Stages. American Journal of Management, vol 17(3). ISSN 2165-7998
Robinson, D., Vanderpal, G.& Nhat-Hoang, D. 2017. (in press) Entrepreneurs’ leadership experiences with specific regard to mentorship. Journal of Leadership Accountability and Ethics, vol 14(3). ISSN 1913-8059
Robinson, D. A., & Nikolic, B. P. (2014). A Stairway to the Stars: Monitoring Sustainability Performance in SMBs. Journal of Business Systems, Governance & Ethics, 9(1), 23-38. (Sustainability accounting and reporting 150106; International Business 150308)
Robinson, D. A. & Yeh, K. 2008. Managing ethical dilemmas in non-profit organizations. Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, Volume 15, Special Issue: 139 - 159. NSYSU, Taiwan. [ISSN 1023-2842]