Dr Chetanpal Singh

Qualification abbreviations
Dr Chetanpal Singh is an ICT and Cyber Security Lecturer in Holmes Institute Melbourne. Previously he had many roles in Higher Education course development and teaching for more than 12 years. He has exceptional technical and industry experience of 10 years in one of the most leading organization of Australia. He brings vast knowledge of the industry and academic skills to the industry, which he shares in educating the students.
Dr Singh is an experienced with proven results in achieving organisational goals and objectives. He has extensive experience in Higher Education course development, compliance and course accreditation, governance oversight. He has worked with many organisations including local governments, banks, and various industrial companies. His specialisation fields are Image Processing, Business Integration, Computer Vision, Software Engineering and Computer Networks. He has been actively engaged with research work, and my research work has led to many research publications including peer – reviewed indexed journals and conference publication.
Teaching areas
- AI/Machine Learning
- Computer science
- Cyber Security
- Network engineering
- Mobile Forensics
Research areas
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- R and Python programming
Refereed Publication
Singh, C 2021, "Medical Imaging using Deep Learning Models", EJERS Volume-6, Issue-5 August 2021.
Singh, Chetanpal & Wibowo, Santoso & Grandhi, Sriman. (2021). ‘A Deep Learning Approach for Human Face Sentiment Classification’ in January 2021 the 21st ACIS International Semi-Virtual Winter Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2021-Winter)
Singh, Chetanpal & Wibowo, Santoso & Grandhi, Sriman. (2020). ‘An Integrated Non-linear Deep Learning Method for Sentiment Classification of Online Reviews’ in June 2020 the 16th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD 2020)
Singh, C & Sharma, P 2019,’ A Novel Method of Clone Detection by Neural Networks", EJERS Volume-4, Issue-12.
Singh, C & Sharma, P 2018,” Importance of Ethics in Cloud Security”, Research Journal of Science & IT Management-RJSITM, Vol 8, No 01.
Singh, C 2016,'Using Cloud Business Intelligence in competency assessment of IT professionals', Database Systems Journal BOARD, p. 33
Singh, C 2015, 'Technology adoption in small and medium-sized logistics providers', Industrial Management & Data Systems, vol. 113, no. 7, pp. 967-89.
Singh, C 2015, 'Using Business Intelligence to Support Strategic Sustainability Information Management', in Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Research Conference an Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, p. 20.
Singh, C 2016, ‘Advantages and Disadvantages of Business and IT Integration’, Open Journal Systems, 7 (4).
Jadeja, M & Singh, C 2016, ‘Cloud Computing - Concepts, Architecture and Challenges’, International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies, pp. 877–880