
Faculty of Higher Education Graduation
Graduation is without doubt one of the most exciting events for students, family, friends and faculty. On this day your hard work is publicly acknowledged.
Graduation is an event not to be missed. Please take a look at our pictures of past Graduation Ceremonies at Holmes Institute, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney.
Graduations Ceremonies
Please contact for further information.
Graduation and Academic Dress Application
Click here to download the Graduation and Academic Dress Application
Frequently Asked Questions
With such an important event as Graduation there might be a number of questions that students may have. Included below are some of the frequently asked questions. Should you have other questions, please contact
When is Graduation?
Graduation is normally held at the end of the year following the examination period.
How do I apply to graduate?
To apply to graduate, you must complete and submit an 'Application for Graduation and Academic Dress' form to
Is there a fee to graduate?
Yes there is a fee for the cost of the academic dress that you need to wear for the graduation (gown, hood and cap/mortar board), copies of the graduation program and tickets for two guests. After the graduation ceremony light refreshments will be served which is included in the graduation fee.
Payment must be forwarded with the application form (attending only). Payment can be made by Visa, MasterCard or EFTPOS.
What happens if I am unable to attend the ceremony
If you are unable to attend you graduate in absentia. There is no fee for students graduating in absentia. Testamurs are posted after the ceremony to address recorded on the Intention to Graduate form. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that Holmes Institute has their correct contact information.
How many guest tickets are available?
Each eligible graduand is issued with one ticket, guest tickets are also available at a small cost. Additional tickets might be purchased for more guests if available. The availability of additional guest tickets need to be confirmed with who will advise if and how many additional tickets are available.
Do I need to attend a ceremony?
No, you do not need to attend as you can graduate in absentia. However, as graduation is a special occasion it is an opportunity for family, friends and faculty to publicly acknowledge your achievements. If you do not wish to attend a ceremony remember you need to complete and return your Intention to Graduate form.
If you do not wish to attend the ceremony, your testamur and a copy of your academic record will be posted out after the graduating ceremony. It is the students responsibility to ensure that Holmes Institute has their accurate contact details. PO boxes cannot be accepted.
How do I know I have qualified for my degree?
Students cannot graduate until they have met all the requirements of their course. For questions about your eligibility for an award please contact Higher Education Coordinator:
I want to but cannot attend Graduation. Can I defer my Graduation?
If you want to attend your Graduation Ceremony but you are unable to, you can defer your attendance - but only once. If you wish to defer your graduation, you need to put this in a written statement of your intention to defer your graduation.
The intention to defer your Graduation is required two weeks prior to the ceremony itself (emails accepted). Your application to graduate will then be deferred to the next graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Higher Education. Send your request to
How long does the Graduation Ceremony take? When do I need arrive?
The graduation ceremony itself will last for approximately 90 minutes.
However, graduands are requested to arrive at the Graduation venue 2 hours prior to commencement to collect their academic dress (gown, hood and cap/mortar board) and register. Students should also allow time for photographs before and after the ceremony. Students must return their academic dress after the conclusion of the photo sessions.
Graduands must be robed in their academic dress and registered at least one hour prior to the commencement of the ceremony.
Where do I sit? Can I sit together with my guests?
Graduands have reserved seating at the front of the venue. The order of seating is determined by the respective degree and student number. Graduands are not able to sit with their families or guests. Graduands with children need to ensure that family or friends can supervise their child/children during the ceremony. Infants and small children may find the ceremony too long and become restless.
Can I have my photos taken? Is there a professional photographer?
Graduands can have their photos taken privately at any time. A professional photographer is available, who will take pictures of each graduand when the award is conferred. These pictures can be purchased. The graduation ceremony may also be videoed.
I have lost my Testamur, can I request a replacement Testamur?
If your original testamur has been lost, damaged or stolen, you can request a replacement testamur for a fee. For this you need to complete and submit a replacement document form. Contact:
Graduation Gallery